          My name is Rick Mee and I currently live in Copperas Cove, TX. Since the age of nine I have been obsessed with the Birmingham Roller pigeon, nearly thirty five years later that obsession is as strong today as it was back then.
          I retired from the US Army after twenty years of service in February of 2008. After just a few years of service I came up with a plan, retire from the Army and fly rollers the rest of my life.......I am now realizing that boyhood dream.
          Due to a military career I had the opportunity to travel to all corners of the globe and visit some of the greatest fanciers of our era. This good fortune enabled me to glean information from some of the more prominent fanciers within our sport, who like myself, take roller flying very seriously as well as the preservation of the Birmingham Roller as a performing breed.
          I am a member of the National Birmingham Roller Club, which is the largest roller club in the World. Please feel free to visit the NBRC website, you will find a link at the top of this page.
          If you have any questions concerning the NBRC, or Birmingham Rollers for that matter, please feel free to contact me, you will find my contact information at the bottom of this page.
Music to my ears (WAV file @ 102K)
Rick Mee
PO Box 486
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
(254) 542-4524
